Monday, 1 December 2008

Confession 2 (Page 3)

Confession 2 (Page 1)
Confession 2 (Page 2)

She sat down on the bed beside me. Her hair slowly floated around in the cool wind of the morning. The warmth of the sun was creeping in throught the windows.

"What's you plan?", she enquired smiling.
"You", I replied.
She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. They looked calm. The nervousness I saw in it yesterday has completely left. I heard a music ringing in my ears. It was coming from somewhere near. She jumped out of the bed.
"That's my phone.", she replied to my puzzled look.

She went to the next room and got the phone out her handbag. I felt too lazy to get out of bed. Anyway she was coming back to where she sat. I saw deep lines of worry burrowing on her face. Something wasn't right. She tried to put up a brave face as she cut the call.

"There's a problem", she started.
"The call was from Credence Hospital. My hus is admitted there. He's had a drinking problem. He went there for checkup due to stomach ache yesterday. It seems he has liver cancer."

I broke the silence that ensued "You should be going.", I said
"This is your problem, it has always been.." her words trailed away as I cut in angrily.
"Am I the one with the problem? You are the one who's had a broken marriage. You're the one who lost her son. You are the one who's run away and slept with a-" I stopped suddenly realising I'd gone too far. The silence that followed was the longest in my life.

"I'm going", she said softly. I understood.

As she walked into the adjacent room to redress I looked upon the pen that lay on the table beside my bed. I started doing what I should have done ten years ago. Five minutes later she returned. Her eyes told she'd been crying. I folded the letter I had written and held it out to her. She put it in her carrybag and walked out..


  1. "Am I the one with the problem? You are the one who's had a broken marriage. You're the one who lost her son. You are the one who's run away and slept with a-" I stopped suddenly realizing I'd gone too far.

    that was rude,after all that happened before.. Very immature and sad from someone like you..(very bollywoodish!) :)

    Nice read man,surprise me the next time! ;)

  2. That's not someone who's angry with the person opposite.. He's shouting at himself.. Next one would be the last.. Infact I'd to write this to bridge it to the next one.. :-)

  3. Mate, thanks for the links of pages 1 and 2. I have been looking for them !
    In my opinion, page 3 was the best !

  4. Hey can't wait to read the next part... good one.

  5. Jus read all three man..great work.... ....waiting to see what 'mandatharam' ya wrote in there......
