Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Cosmic Circuits on campus

new pants
new shirt
new shoes
new what-not........

today was the day placements started for electronics students of college of engineering, trivandrum. the electronics company lucky enough to be first on CET was Cosmic Circuits.

Cosmic Circuits Company Profile

company started by some guys in texas instruments with the dream to become the the only company in india to concentrate 100% on analog design. so far the have 90 ip and 3 products. they have made profit every year, though they didnt say how much. ya!! i could ahve asked but bach never asks.....

it is said to be the first non-HR ppt this year. concise. to the point and short in length... hurray!!! no questions(that must be a first too). man!! this company creates history every 5 minutes.

next is the test. cmon BRING IT ON!!!!

The test

15 questions. not objectve. but they jst need the answers, no working. the questions were little tough almost abstract level, checks the knowledge of electronics circuits.


5 people short listed. 5 tele, 0 applied, 0 electricals. 0 applied!! thats humiliating!! fellow blogger selected. then there was the interview

final result

ZERO people selected from CET. the whole of ciruits department 'payar poole ninnittu' they couldn't find anyone good enough. now hears they were once to some iit and took the same number. that is a credit!!

the total strength of the company is 75. they r planning to increase that to 85 this year

PS: sorry cgpu rep, if u find this bad or too revealing. there is more to come, until i get a job...

PPS: BAch performs HAtTRicK


  1. the test was too easy for all thr TRICALS...... didnt need to write nething

  2. well now the blog wud come up as answer to googling cosmic circuits.. hurray!

  3. U missed one: CEO works right next to you.

  4. But ma friend,

    they took 1 from MEC, Cochin..
    they came here today....

    where u there 4 shaastra 2008?? at IIT madras??
